My Webpage

Welcome to Celine's Portfolio!

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About Me


  • Proactive learner with an eagerness to expand knowledge.
    • Developed various programming projects through persistent independent studying and research.
    • Deeply pursue ongoing interests in cultures, history, and languages (e.g through a constant self-motivated study of Cantonese, French, and German).


  • Persistent determination to overcome, adapt, and solve problems.
    • Quickly adapted to a sudden move overseas by training in volleyball during the afternoon and attending virtual class in Canada at night (8:30pm-2:30am due to the time difference), which was maintained for the whole year.
    • Continuous resolve, troubleshooting, and reflection when encountering challenges, including debugging attempts during the design of my projects and pursuing my goals to the end.


  • Relentless pursuit of my extracurricular interests while upholding high academic standards, through strong time management abilities.
    • 7 years of consistently adhering to additional rigorous training regimens alongside regular team practices to ensure maximal performance as a competitive volleyball athlete.
    • 9 years of consistent and diligent violin practice that brought me to participate in the countrywide Canadian Music Competition.


  • Firm belief in the value of devoting oneself to the success and collaboration of the team.
      Through my extensive time as a key player to my teams, fully recognize the symboiotic relationship between the individual athlete and the collective unit.

Some of My Hobbies and Interests:



Chinese Poetry

Chinese Poetry


Classical Music and the Violin